February to May 2021
For the Spring 2021 semester, from February to May, we invite Lehman faculty, staff, and students to read with us and explore the impactful ouvre of Audre Lorde, drawing connections not only to the inequalities made starkly apparent by the Black Lives Matter movement and in the midst of the pandemic, but also linking and reminding ourselves of a very important history of labor movements, black intellectual thought, community-based pedagogy and ethics of care, and queer feminisms that have been rooted in many of our CUNY campuses. Affiliated instructors will assign monthly readings across courses in English, Sociology, Women’s Studies, Latino/Latin American Studies, and more. Monthly events will feature international panelists, including Queer Black and Latinx scholars from Colombia and Brasil, as well as talented student poets and writers from right here in the Bronx.
Nicole Flores, Francis Merencillo, Matt Caprioli, Lise Esdaile, Sarah Ohmer, Mary Phillips, and Olivia Loksing Moy
“Reflections on Black Latinx and Cuir Revolutions”
Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 4PM to 6PM
(A Black History/Wmnx’s Month event organized by Prof. Sarah Ohmer)
Reading: “Learning from the 60’s” from Sister Outsider.
To learn more about this event, please click here.
If you missed this month’s event, just click here for the recap.

“Teach-in” on Sister Outsider and “I Teach Myself in Outline” followed by Movie Viewing with Profs. Michelle Augustine and Mary Phillips
Monday, March 15, 2021 at 6PM to 8:30PM; movie begins at 7PM
Student/staff-led discussions on “Poetry is Not A Luxury” and “I Teach Myself in Outline,” a Lost and Found Publication. Exploring CUNY’s Activist History & the history of CUNY organizing.
To learn more about our March event, please click here.

Poetry Readings and Recitations from The Black Unicorn
Monday, April 26, 2021 at 6:30PM to 8:00PM
Featuring local Bronx and student poets Yenick Gonzalez, Roxann Turner, and Egypt Alford
Reading: Selected poems from The Black Unicorn
To learn more about our April event, please click here.
Monday, May 17, 2021 at 6:00-7:30PM: “Zami: Talkback & Testimonials”
Reading: Zami: A New Spelling of My Name (A Biomythography)
To learn more about our May event, please click here.
Related Courses & Instructors:
AAS 228: African American Families (Prof. Phillips)
ENG 121: English Composition (Prof. Caprioli)
ENG. 121: English Composition (Prof. Walia)
ENG 307: The Novel (Prof. Caprioli)
ENG 350: Senior Seminar: “Formalisms: Poetry and Politics” (Prof. Moy)
ENG 463: Seminar in Literary Theory (Prof. Moy)
ENG 700: Graduate Seminar on Critical Theory (Prof. Moy)
ENW 201: Writing Essentials (Prof. Walia)
ENW 210: Intro to Creative Writing (Prof. Engels)
ENW 217: Editing and Proofreading (Prof. Caprioli)
ENW 303: Creative Nonfiction Writing (Prof. Caprioli)
ENW 345: Writing and Social Issues (Prof. Engels)
ENW 345: Writing and Social Issues (Prof. Engels)
LEH 353: U.S. Black Feminisms (Prof. Esdaile)
LEH 353: The African American Memoir (Prof. Esdaile)
MLS 702: Humanities for the People of Color, by the People of Color: Introduction to Coloniality & Decolonial Research Methods (Prof. Ohmer)